Wonderful Are Your Works Jesu Akirisore Lyrics

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Acts 16:18, “And she continued doing this for many days.Then they asked him to stay on for a few days.” Acts 10:48, “And he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.Acts 9:27, “But Barnabas took hold of him and brought him to the apostles and described to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had talked to him, and how at Damascus he had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus.”.Acts 5:40, “And they took his advice and after calling the apostles in, they flogged them and ordered them to speak no more in the name of Jesus, and then released them.”.Acts 4:18, “And when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.”.

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